Your complimentary hypnosis discovery session has been scheduled. You will receive a confirmation email in your inbox shortly.
On this 30-minute phone call, I will ask you questions to gain more insight into what you'd like to accomplish. You'll also be given opportunities to have all your questions answered. At the end of the call, if I think hypnosis is a good fit for your situation and I can help you reach your goal, I will discuss the program and the fee structure.
This discovery session will be conducted over the phone. I will call you at the number you listed at the time you have requested.
Please make sure that you are in a spot where you can talk openly and freely during your discovery session. I will end the call if you are driving or if there are too many distractions.
Please note that this time is set aside for you. As I get several requests per week, I am counting on you to keep the appointment time that you've chosen.
I look forward to speaking with you soon,

High-Performance Hypnotist & Mind Trainer
Here's What Others Have to Say About Justin's Programs

Working with you is seriously, one of the best things that ever happened to me emotionally.
TARA HOWISY // Women's Coach

I've been using the tapping. It's crazy! I have no idea why - but it works! I have used it each day to deal with items at work that usually cause anxiety for me, and it's been beautiful. Thank you so much! This is amazing. ♥♥♥
LEIGH ESPY // Entrepreneur

I highly recommend working with Justin, especially right now. He has massive amounts of wisdom and I'm positive that in the very near future he won't be this accessible and if he is it won't be for this price. If you're looking to be mentored by someone who has true, authentic insights about how you can live a more centered, effective and mindful life, you need to be part of this program.
DAVE BOODA // Musician