Online Hypnosis Sessions Available!

So you've decided you want to quit smoking and you heard about "this hypnosis thing."
Maybe a friend or relative quit smoking with hypnosis and you want to learn a bit more before you give your local hypnotist a call.
It all sounds great, but the big question still is: "Does hypnosis work to quit smoking?" or better yet... "Will it work for me?"
Well, you're not alone. There have been dozens of individual scientific studies conducted to determine the effectiveness of hypnosis to help people quit smoking.
And the results are amazing.
You'll see the results of several scientific smoking cessation hypnosis studies. You'll discover, just like these researchers did, just how effective hypnosis can be to quit smoking. And I'll show you how you can get started quitting smoking for yourself.
87% reported abstinence from tobacco use with hypnosis.
A study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of smoking cessation by using hypnosis. At 3-month follow-up, 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported continued abstinence from the use of tobacco using hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy over three times more effective than nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation.
A study compared smoking cessation rates between groups that used 1. hypnotherapy (a 90-minute session), 2. hypnotherapy with nicotine replacement, and 3. nicotine replacement only. Analysis of the results showed that the groups using hypnotherapy were over three times more likely to abstain after 6 months than the group using nicotine replacement.
Successful outcomes from hypnotherapy at 6 and 12 months.
4 hypnotherapy trials (273) were included in a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that reported abstinence at 6 or 12 months. Results indicated a positive association of hypnotherapy with successful outcomes.
Hypnosis compares favorably to behavioral counseling
A study of 286 smokers compared the effectiveness of hypnosis versus behavioral counseling when both interventions were combined with nicotine patches. At 6 months, 26% of the participants in the hypnosis group were abstinent compared with 18% of the behavioral group. At 12 months, the abstinence rate was 20% for the hypnosis group compared to 14% for the behavioral group. It was concluded that, for long-term quit rates, hypnosis compares favorably to standard behavioral counseling when used with nicotine patches.
Intensive hypnotherapy for smoking cessation.
Twenty subjects were given intensive hypnotherapy (8 sessions over 2 months) for smoking cessation or assigned to a control group. Abstinence rates for the hypnotherapy group were 40% at the end of treatment; 60% at 12 weeks, and 40% at 26 weeks.
Hypnosis patients twice as likely to remain smoke-free after two years.
Study of 71 smokers showed that after a two-year follow up, patients that quit with hypnosis were twice as likely to remain smoke-free than those who quit on their own.
81% reported they had stopped smoking after a three-session hypnosis intervention.
Thirty smokers enrolled in an HMO were referred by their primary physician for treatment. Twenty-one patients returned after an initial consultation and received hypnosis for smoking cessation. At the end of treatment, 81% of those patients reported that they had stopped smoking, and 48% reported abstinence at 12 months post-treatment.
Single-session hypnosis subjects smoked significantly less
A study involving 60 subjects assigned 20 to single-session hypnosis group, 20 to placebo control, and 20 to a control group receiving no intervention. In follow-ups at 4, 12, 24 and 48 weeks the hypnosis group smoked significantly less and were significantly more abstinent.
Hypnosis most effective, says largest study ever: 3 times as effective as patch and 15 times as effective as willpower.
Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. A meta-analysis, statistically combining results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from America and Europe to compare various methods of quitting. On average, hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone.