Enjoy Your Instant Stress Buster Hypnosis Audio

How to listen to your Instant Stress Buster Hypnosis Audio.

From your computer:

1. Get comfortable in an area without interruptions.

2. Put on headphones if you have them.

3. Click the button below to automatically play.

(To download your audio to your computer, right-click the player below and choose "save audio as.")

From your phone or tablet:

1. Get comfortable in an area without interruptions.

2. Put on headphones if you have them.

3. Click the play button below.


Check out what people say about working with Justin

Those techniques I learned are what I still use today

I worked with Justin on self-sabotaging negative thoughts and feelings removal techniques coupled with the visualization techniques to replace the negative with the positive. It worked great! It's like dieting and fitness though; you have [to] keep working at it yourself until it becomes a habit and you see the growth and improvement materialize in your life. Those techniques I learned are what I still use today to get me off those bad days that we ALL go through and the visualizations that help me conquer myself and keep pushing forward towards those dreams.

Anthony M Entrepreneur

I have successfully quit smoking after 20+ years. Justin went above and beyond to make sure that I was getting all of the tools I needed to be successful, including addressing other issues such as anxiety and emotional eating. I wasn't really sure what to expect so you have definitely exceeded my expectations!

Amanda T

I came here to work on my self-confidence. Over the past month I feel more confident and I don't stutter as much and I feel better about myself.

Greg S