How To Update Your Billing Information

Have you recently moved or gotten a new card?

If you need to update your billing information just follow the simple steps below. 

1. You can update your information by clicking this link:

2. Enter your email address. 

This is the email address you used when signing up for Clear Change Hypnosis.

The system will send you an email with your access link. Click the link in that email.

The link will bring you to your customer hub to update your information.

3. Next, click the "Update my info" button


4. Update your billing information.

In the window that pops up, you can update your personal details or billing information.


5. Update your card information if needed

To edit your card details, just click the "update" button and the card fields will become active.

You can type your card details into the secure form.

6. Click the "Save changes" button

When you're all set, save your changes and the system will update your information.

If you get stuck or need any help, just email Justin at clearchangehypnosis dot com and I will help you out.
